3 Issues Your Car May Have After Getting Rear-Ended

The open road can be a dangerous place. We spend hours each week inside our respective automobiles, but it’s easy to forget how much danger that might put us in. Accidents are a common occurrence. So common, in fact, that we’re each likely to be in one at some point during our lifetimes.

If we’re lucky, the accident we will get into might not be too severe. It might be something as simple as getting rear-ended at a stoplight. Just because you’re not hurt, however, doesn’t mean there’s no damage done.

Automobiles face a wealth of common issues after getting rear-ended. Your car may have sustained a number of different problems from the accident. What should you keep an eye out for? Read on.

1. Trunk Malfunctions

This probably comes as no surprise, but the portion of your car located on its rear side will likely take the brunt of a rear-ending accident’s harm. That means your trunk.

Issues with your trunk won’t prevent you from driving around, but it can impact your proper use of the vehicle in other ways. A trunk may have problems opening and closing right following a rear-end accident, or it may no longer be able to lock properly.

A more damaged trunk might not be able to stay shut at all and could open suddenly on its own. This could be a very big safety hazard. The last thing you want is for something like that to happen while you’re going 70 mph on the highway.

2. Issues With Your Alignment

The unfortunate truth is that you might not notice the issues that arise from your accident right away. It might only be a few hours into driving that you notice something is off.

This can certainly be the case with alignment issues that arise from a rear-end. If you notice a change in your handling after an accident, it might be an indication that damage was done to the alignment of your tires.

If you’ve noticed wobbly steering or strange vibrations from your vehicle, it may be evidence that something has gone wrong.

3. Electrical Problems

Even a rear-end with low impact can cause some wiring to fall loose within the interior of your car. The most common victim will be your brake and taillights, thanks to the proximity they’ll have to a rear-ending situation.

It goes without saying that these lights are essential for safe driving. You need them in order to properly signal to other drivers on the roadway.

If they go out due to a rear-ending problem, you’ll want to take your car in for repairs.

Other electrical issues might include the impact on your car’s battery or even elements of the sound system. If you notice anything funny with the operation of your vehicle after an accident, it’s best to bring it in and see what’s going on.

Issues After Getting Rear-Ended

Accidents happen all the time, and it is not uncommon for a driver to be rear-ended somewhere on the open road. That being said, even a low impact fender-bender after getting rear-ended can still cause some damage to your car that you might need to get checked out.

Have more questions about current issues with your car? Give us a call for assistance anytime.